

Our turnkey Website solution provides you with the most effective professional website for a fraction of the cost of a semi-custom website from other real estate focus website providers. Providing you with the most Cost Effective Website to enhance your Brand and outreach to more clients.

Hokaho.com is one of Far East Digital’s ‘crown jewel’ developments. It is a comprehensive real estate search platform for the Toronto market that has the search capability and speed that rivals major real estate search platform in Canada.

Michael Luu is a real estate agent who had great experience in the Toronto real estate resale condo market, particularly in the Humber Bay Shore area. Michael decided to engage Far East Digital to build a comprehensive website that encompasses the newly available SOLD DATA for TREB licensed real estate agents. We also provided direction in branding of his real estate specialty and a complete revamp of his visual presentation and photography to augment his overall marketing initiatives.

It was a privilege and a great opportunity for Far East Digital to help Wilson Cho, a Seasoned and Top real estate agent who specializes in the Luxury market in Toronto. Wilson wanted to augment his brand image and create a SOLD DATA website to spearhead his new marketing direction. We were tasked to create a new Website that will project a modern tone and enable ease of use for prospective clients to navigate. Brand repositioning to maintain appeals to its core audience in the luxury market yet expand Wilson’s reach to young professionals. Therefore, the direction of the website must take into consideration all these variables in order to deliver an effective digital marketing strategy for Wilson.

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